Soft Tissues
Nostril Wedge Resection
Patient: Dog
Typology: Stenotic nares correction
Repairing Method: Wedge resection

Stenotic nostril before surgical procedure.

Widening of the nostril after wedge excision surgery.
Skin Graft following a Soft Tissue Sarcoma excision
Patient: Dog
Typology: Skin graft reconstruction after soft tissue sarcoma excision from the distal limb of a dog.
Repairing Method: The skin was harvested from the flank and a full thickness skin graft mesh was prepared and used for the wound reconstruction.
Healthy granulation tissue was detected 5 days after the surgery.

A skin graft was harvested from the flank of the patient and was to reconstruct the wound. The leg was bandaged for 4 weeks and bandages were changed every 2 to 4 days.

Healing was detected after 4 weeks. A complete air growth was detected after 2-3 months.
MCT removal and Axial Skin Flap reconstruction
Patient: Dog
Typology: Wound reconstruction.
Repairing Method: Caudal Superficial Epigastric Axial Skin Flap after wound reconstruction following an MCT removal with 3 cm margins and on the deep plane fascia.

The skin was harvested from the abdomen and the mammary chain are included in the flap; the flap was twisted to cover the surgical wound.

The skin was harvested from the abdomen and the mammary chain are included in the flap; the flap was twisted to cover the surgical wound.

A few months after surgery.
Perineal Hernia
Patient: Dog.
Typology: Perineal hernia with herniation of the bladder and prostate gland.
Repairing Method: The hernia was fixed with the internal obturator muscle transposition.

Perineal hernia on the right side.

The bladder and the prostate gland were herniated within the perineum.

The obturator muscle was elevated to fill in the hernia defect.
Mass Removal and Axial Skin Flap Reconstruction
Patient: Dog
Typology: Wound Reconstruction following Neoplastic Mass Removal.
Repairing Method: Thoracodorsal Axial Skin Flap for wound reconstruction following a Soft Tissue Sarcoma Mass removal with 2.5 to 3 cm margins and a deep plane fascia excision.

Surgical planning with margins of 2.5-3 cm

Surgical excision

Surgical Recostruction

Surgical Recostruction

Surgical Healing
Surgical Healing
Surgical Healing
Surgical Healing